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Longman Dictionary of Contemporary English - nothing


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~1 pronoun 1 not anything; no thing  (Nothing ever happens in this town. | There's nothing in this box. Throw it away. | He said nothing about it to me. | nothing new/bad etc)  (Why are you still in bed when there's nothing wrong with you? | nothing to do/to eat etc)  (If you have nothing to do how about helping me in the garden? | nothing else (=nothing more))  (I had nothing else to say so I signed the letter. | nothing at all (=absolutely nothing))  (You must eat nothing at all before the operation.) 2 something which is considered unimportant, not interesting or not worth worrying about  (A harmless kiss. It meant nothing. | It's nothing, just a scratch. | There's nothing on television tonight. | It was nothing for a family to have ten children in those days.) 3 especially AmE zero  (We beat them ten to nothing.) 4 for nothing a) without paying for something or being paid for something  (Why pay a plumber when my brother will do it for nothing | She knows the club manager so we always get in for nothing.) b) without having a good reason or purpose  (We went all that way for nothing. | They don't call him Babyface Dickson for nothing!) 5 have/be nothing to do with sb/sth (not in progressive) a) if something has nothing to do with a particular fact or situation it is not connected with that fact or situation  (Our decision has nothing to do with the fact that her father is on the committee.) b) if a situation has nothing to do with someone, it is personal and private  (It's nothing to do with you. Mind your own business.) 6 have/want nothing to do with to not be involved in something, especially because you disapprove  (He told the police that he had wanted nothing to do with the whole thing.) 7 nothing special not very bad and not very good; average  (The meal was nothing special, just a little fish with a cheese sauce.) 8 nothing but formal only  (He's nothing but a common criminal.) 9 nothing much very little  ("What did you do last weekend?" "Oh, nothing much.") 10 there's nothing like used to say that something is very good  (There's nothing like a long hot bath after a day's climbing.) 11 there's nothing in/to sth used to say that what people are saying about someone else's personal life is not true  (It seems there's nothing in the rumours that she's pregnant.) 12 there's nothing for it but to do sth used when there is only one thing you can do in a particular situation  (With the bridge destroyed there was nothing for it but to swim.) 13 nothing doing spoken used to refuse to do something  (Lend you -500? Nothing doing!) 14 be nothing if not used to emphasize a particular quality that someone or something has  (You've got to admit - he's nothing if not persistent.) 15 nothing to it spoken used when something is easy to do  (Anyone can use a computer. There's nothing to it!) 16 it was nothing/think nothing of it spoken used when someone has thanked you a lot for something you have done for them  ("You really shouldn't have gone to so much trouble" "Oh, think nothing of it.") 17 nothing of the sort spoken used to strongly refuse to do something or when you feel strongly that something is not true  (What do you mean you're going to borrow my car? You'll do nothing of the sort!)  (- see also sweet nothings sweet1 (12), to say nothing of say1 (47), nothing on earth earth1 (11)) ~2 adv 1 be nothing like sb/sth to have no qualities or features that are similar to someone or something else  (She's nothing like her brother. He's dark and she's fair.) 2 be nothing short of sth if someone's behaviour is nothing short of something such as laziness, corruption etc, they are extremely lazy or corrupt  (His behaviour was nothing short of rudeness.)
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  (nothings) Frequency: The word is one of the 700 most common words in English. 1. Nothing means not a single thing, or not a single part of something. I’ve done nothing much since coffee time... Mr Pearson said he knew nothing of his wife’s daytime habits... He was dressed in jeans and nothing else... There is nothing wrong with the car. PRON 2. You use nothing to indicate that something or someone is not important or significant. Because he had always had money it meant nothing to him... While the increase in homicides is alarming, it is nothing compared to what is to come in the rest of the decade... She kept bursting into tears over nothing at work... Do our years together mean nothing? PRON • Nothing is also a noun. It is the picture itself that is the problem; so small, so dull. It’s a nothing, really... N-COUNT: usu sing 3. If you say that something cost nothing or is worth nothing, you are indicating that it cost or is worth a surprisingly small amount of money. The furniture was threadbare; he’d obviously picked it up for nothing... Homes in this corner of Mantua that once went for $350,000 are now worth nothing. PRON 4. You use nothing before an adjective or ‘to’-infinitive to say that something or someone does not have the quality indicated. Around the lake the countryside generally is nothing special... There was nothing remarkable about him... All kids her age do silly things; it’s nothing to worry about. PRON: PRON adj, PRON to-inf 5. You can use nothing before ‘so’ and an adjective or adverb, or before a comparative, to emphasize how strong or great a particular quality is. Youngsters learn nothing so fast as how to beat the system... I consider nothing more important in my life than songwriting... There’s nothing better than a good cup of hot coffee. PRON: PRON so adj/adv, PRON compar c darkgreen]emphasis 6. You can use all or nothing to say that either something must be done fully and completely or else it cannot be done at all. ...
Collins COBUILD Advanced Learner's English Dictionary
   I. pronoun  Etymology: Middle English, from Old English nan thing, nathing, from nan no + thing thing — more at none  Date: before 12th century  1. not any thing ; no thing leaves ~ to the imagination  2. no part  3. one of no interest, value, or consequence they mean ~ to me  II. adverb  Date: 12th century not at all ; in no degree  III. noun  Date: 1535  1.  a. something that does not exist  b. the absence of all magnitude or quantity; also zero 1a  c. ~ness, nonexistence  2. someone or something of no or slight value or size  3. a light, playful, or frivolous remark — usually used in plural whispered sweet ~s  IV. adjective  Date: 1611 of no account ; worthless ...
Merriam-Webster Collegiate Dictionary
  n. & adv. --n. 1 not anything (nothing has been done; have nothing to do). 2 no thing (often foll. by compl.: I see nothing that I want; can find nothing useful). 3 a a person or thing of no importance or concern; a trivial event or remark (was nothing to me; the little nothings of life). b (attrib.) colloq. of no value; indeterminate (a nothing sort of day). 4 non-existence; what does not exist. 5 (in calculations) no amount; nought (a third of nothing is nothing). --adv. 1 not at all, in no way (helps us nothing; is nothing like enough). 2 US colloq. not at all (Is he ill? -- Ill nothing, he's dead.). Phrases and idioms be nothing to 1 not concern. 2 not compare with. be (or have) nothing to do with 1 have no connection with. 2 not be involved or associated with. for nothing 1 at no cost; without payment. 2 to no purpose. have nothing on 1 be naked. 2 have no engagements. no nothing colloq. (concluding a list of negatives) nothing at all. nothing doing colloq. 1 a there is no prospect of success or agreement. b I refuse. 2 nothing is happening. nothing (or nothing else) for it (often foll. by but to + infin.) no alternative (nothing for it but to pay up). nothing (or not much) in it (or to it) 1 untrue or unimportant. 2 simple to do. 3 no (or little) advantage to be seen in one possibility over another. nothing less than at least (nothing less than a disaster). think nothing of it do not apologize or feel bound to show gratitude. Etymology: OE nan thing (as NO(1), THING) ...
Толковый словарь английского языка Oxford English Reference
  1) нисколько 2) ничего 3) ничто 4) нуль 5) совсем нет ...
Англо-русский Русско-английский научно-технический словарь
  1. пустяк, мелочь a mere nothing —- пустяк sweet nothings —- нежности. сладкие слова, любовные уверения gay nothings —- шуточки the little nothing s of life —- мелочи жизни 2. ноль he is five feet nothing —- его рост ровно пять футов the score was three to nothing —- спорт. счет был три - ноль 3. нуль, ничтожесто, пустое место (о человеке) he is a real nothing —- он ничего собой не представляет 4. отсутствие (чего-л); пустота one cannot live on nothing —- без денег жить нельзя you can live here for next to nothing —- здесь можно жить очень дешево 5. небытие, нереальность; полное исчезновение to fade away into nothing —- растерять; постепенно исчезнуть the conversation dropped to nothing —- беседа сошла на нет 6. церк. атеист, безбожник Catholics, Protestants and people who are nothing —- католики. протестанты и неверующие 7. нисколько, совсем нет, ни в малейшей степени nothing near so —- далеко не так nothing like so good —- совсем не такой хороший to be nothing the worse for smth. —- ни в малейшей степени не пострадать от чего-л it differs nothing from —- это нисколько не отличается (от чего-л.) it helps us nothing —- это ничуть нам не помогает it is nothing like it used to be —- совсем не похоже на то, что было; узнать нельзя, ничего похожего is nothing near so extensive —- отнюдь не является таким обширным Id: nothing like —- нет ничего лучше Id: there is nothing like doing things at once...
Новый большой англо-русский словарь
  loath охотно NOTHING like ничего похожего NOTHING  1. pron.; neg. ничто, ничего; nothing else than - не что иное, как; to have nothing on smb., smth. -  а) не иметь преимуществ перед кем-л., чем-л.;  б) не иметь претензий к кому-л.; next to nothing - почти ничего; очень мало - nothing but - all to nothing - come to nothing - for nothing - get for nothing - nothing to - have nothing to do with - make nothing of nothing very much coll. - ничего особенного no nothing - решительно ничего nothing doing - ничего не выйдет, номер не пройдет to be for nothing in - не играть никакой роли в; не оказывать никакого влияния на there is nothing for it but - ничего другого (не остается), как there was nothing for it but to tell the truth - пришлось сказать правду nothing venture nothing have prov. - волков бояться - в лес не ходить; кто не рискует, тот ничего не добивается nothing great is easy prov. - все великое дается нелегко  2. noun  1) пустяки, мелочи; - a mere nothing - little nothings of life  2) небытие, нереальность  3) ноль; пустое место  4) math. ноль  3. adv. нисколько, совсем нет; it differs nothing from - это нисколько не отличается от; nothing less than - прямо-таки; просто-напросто there is nothing like - нет ничего лучше; there is nothing like a good rest самое лучшее - хорошо отдохнуть NOTHING at all  а) совсем ничего  б) ерунда NOTHING but только; ничего кроме; nothing but the truth ничего, кроме правды; NOTHING to ничто по сравнению с;...
Англо-русский словарь
Английский словарь американских идиом
  - O.E. naюing, from nan "not one" + юing "thing." ...
Английский Этимологический словарь


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